As the crypto market remains highly volatile, it is crucial for Bitcoin miners to prepare themselves for the forthcoming challenges. The mining costs are anticipated to surge in the year before the second halving of Bitcoin mining rewards in 2028. With reports suggesting that Bitcoin's computational capabilities may increase by approximately 30% by 2027, miners need to ensure that they keep up with the ever-changing technological landscape and stay ahead of the competition. Therefore, it is essential for them to upgrade their equipment and adopt innovative mining techniques to maintain their profitability and secure their place in this fast-paced industry.
即使它每年只增长20%,平均哈希率也可能在2027,等于每秒1000艾哈希(EH/s)。自2020年以来,其平均每年增长65%,数据显示,在七天移动平均线上,其现在约为787 EH/s。
让我们来看一个案例:在2024年4月区块奖励减半至每天450 BTC后,该年下半年增长加快。这是因为矿工们赚的钱少了。一些矿工无法通过单独开采BTC来实现,因为它变得非常紧张。一些人甚至选择在公开市场上购买BTC。
在1 ZH/s的速度下,矿工需要更具创造力才能生存并适应更艰难的市场。不幸的是,单个区块的哈希率可能已经达到1 ZH/s。然而,由于挖掘的概率性、块时间变化和短期网络波动性,单个块的读数是不准确的。为了考虑异常值和可靠性,大多数行业至少使用七天移动平均线。
#比特币 #哈希率首次点击1
--USDIRR(@USD_IRR)2025年1月3日不仅哈希率在增加,而且挖掘块的难度也在增加。自10月以来,区块链已经见证了七次连续的积极难度变化,目前的总难度为109.78万亿 ;